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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

New Members

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Explore Korean Ranchu Blogs

After I ‘viewed’ the blogs...I found that Koreans Ranchu lovers have something in common...

1. They have more then one type of Goldfish
2. They have both top view & side view tanks or tankssss
3. They rear their Ranchu in their ‘Sufficient Sunlight’ balcony.
4. They like to grow plants in their Ranchu tanks
5. They sure to have a self made ‘device’
6. They bread their Ranchu successfully.







Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Bubble Eye

Cursing Fish --- Adults Only

Nice Ranchu Drawings

Nice Ranchu Drawings from patterpaws

Friday, November 10, 2006

Nice Side View Ranchu

RafflesGold Twin Brother ?

Found a china web...Check out 兰寿

This web got similar forum as RafflesGold.


Goldfish Academy

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Breeding Goldfish and Caring for Fries

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Green Water, Filtration and Tank Setup

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Ailments and Treatments

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Sell & Buy

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And even include,

In Memory Of...

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Impressed !

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Points to Keep Ranchus

Feel free to ask Jinchu-kai about the detail of how to keep ranchus.
1.Water to use
Tap water and well water are recommended. (To secure fixed water.)
When using tap water, remove chlorine. When removing chlorine in Yokohama, put two pieces of hypo (Na2S2O3)sold at a shop in a standard glass fish tank of 60 liters. If put too many pieces of hypo, ranchus die from lack of oxygen.   
2.When changing water
Think how ranchus feel about changing water. (Ranchus also catch a cold!) Because the temperature of ranchus are not steady, a rapid change of water temperature causes disease. Change water in the morning of a fine day.(Ranchus are the temperate fish.) Choose a fish tank possible to keep a change of water temperature in one day within five degrees. If a fish tank is small, or if keeping ranchus in a place of shorter daylight hours, use such as a thermostat to keep water temperature steady not to make it cold.
3.Supplying oxygen
Supply oxygen using an air pump. (Oxygen is very thin in water compared to that in the air.) Rotten water due to too much fishbait, or high water temperature during summer decrease oxygen in water and make ranchus blub-blub.
Do not give too much fishbait. (This pollutes water and could be the cause of death due to lack of oxygen.) Ranchus do not die without fishbait for 1-2 weeks. If giving fishbait properly, microbes and waterweeds clean the water in a tank. Give raw and compound fisbait, both fresh! Moldy, rotten, or worm-eaten fishbait cause ranchus enteritis.
5.Disease of ranchus
Master first aid with salt. (Possible to cure most of the diseases with salt.) Salt helps ranchus to breathe and reduces some harmful insects and bacteria. Use 70 grams of salt to 10 liters of water. Ask a proper treatment to the expert. (Experts can tell proper use of medicine.)

Merry Christmas
Rainbow Arch